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Community Barbis

The village Barbis is with its ca. 3.134 citizens (status February 2005), the largest village in the city of Bad Lauterberg. One of Barbis' landmarks is the border tower 'Alte Warte'. It is situated above the Bühberg.

Image Copyright: Michaela Wille

The St. Petri church community in Barbis is probably one of the oldest church communities in the church district Herzberg. The first church of the St. Petri church community was made of wood. At the same place the foundation was laid for the present church in 1752. The St. Petri church is one of the prettiest village churches.

Image Copyright: Michaela Wille

The voluntary fire brigade in Barbis exists since 1879. In the year 2004 it was able to celebrate its 125-year existence. The fire brigade's marching band Barbis was founded in 1922 and so has been for over 80 years part of the voluntary fire brigade.

Have you ever holidayed in a log cabin? At the tennis centre and holiday park in Barbis near the Bühberg you can enjoy a vacation in beautiful surroundings. The large terrace-formed designed holiday estate consists more or less of log cabins only. The estate is surrounded by forests.

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